White cotton Lawn Fabric UK
Cotton lawn is a lightweight sheer cloth which is heavier than voile but it is so fine that it is slightly transparent. It is soft and wonderful to wear so it is perfect for summer clothes or for regular wear in hotter climates. Because it comes in so many guises and quality’s printed plain semi plain, it can be made up into shirts and blouses, dresses, nightdresses, children’s wear and it can also be used as a lining or as a window dressing instead of net curtains. Fabulous stuff! If you read our descriptions there should be further help to enable you to decide which one is the right one for you.

137cm wide tana lawn with an all over small bird and floral print, in shades of pink on a navy background. The pattern is in rows across the cloth.
Part number: 1761b
142cm wide. Nice cotton lawn in blue with a very pretty selection of white flowers printed on it.
Part number: 1996s
142cm wide. A rather nice cotton lawn in nude with birds printed all over it.
Part number: 1996p
142cm wide. A rather nice cotton lawn in navy with birds printed all over it.
Part number: 1996q

142cm wide. Lovey quality cotton lawn in pale pink with 'brushstrokes' in shades of blue and green.
Part number: 1996n
142cm wide. Superb cotton lawn, with a colourful abstract design made up of little spots. Not round spots, but spots that look as if they were made by dabbing a paint brush.
Part number: 1996m

145cm wide pure cotton supremely fine lawn in pale red.
Part number: 1338c
145cm wide pure cotton supremely fine lawn in pale grey.
Part number: 1338b
145cm wide pure cotton supremely fine lawn in cream.
Part number: 1338a
150 cm wide super fine cotton lawn in a variegated stripe design in black, cream and navy blue. Very striking and will look absolutely wonderful in the fitting blouses or a big skirt.
Part number: 3362
150cm wide Christmas print of a soft 100% cotton lawn. This dark blue base has lots of styles of trees on it.
Part number: 2125b
150cm wide Christmas print of a soft 100% cotton lawn. This cheerful red base has lots of styles of trees on them.