10 Things You Never Knew About

Things made out of cotton

The Secret Service agent's appears to be holding his hands in a distinctive pose as he escorts President Trump and the First Lady down Pennsylvania AvenueDid you know that there's countless ways of using the cheap buds, such as fixing a broken zip and contouring your cheekbones?

They're most commonly used to clean out ears, but cotton buds certainly aren't a one-trick pony.

Did you know that the cheap swabs tipped with cotton sheets can be used to apply perfume, clean your car and even fix a broken zip?

From beauty application to quick-fix cleaning tips, FEMAIL has picked the cotton bud hacks that will change your life.


1. To stop your perfect red pout from smudging, dip a cotton bud in some translucent powder and swipe it along your lip line to stop any bleeding.

2. A cotton bud/translucent powder combination can also be used to boost your lashes. Apply one coat of mascara, then run the powdered buds along lashes before applying another coat and they'll appear more voluminous as a result.

3. The little buds can also be used to clean up eyeliner and mascara mistakes by dabbing them into some coconut oil, moisturiser or concealer and swiping across your eye region to give a flawless finish.

US President Donald Trump (above) is expected to sign several executive orders this week to jumpstart construction of a border fence and to restrict immigration from Syria and six other countries4. To remove all of your eye make-up with precision, dab a bud in coconut oil or make-up remover and rub it gently over the lashes for a squeaky clean finish.

5. If, after removing your eye make-up, your eyes are sore and puffy, dip the end of a new bud into your favourite eye cream and leave it in the freezer overnight. Use it around your sockets to reduce puffiness and bags.

To remove all of your eye make-up with precision, dab a bud in coconut oil or make-up remover and rub it gently over the lashes for a squeaky clean finish. To reduce puffiness, apply eye cream to the bud and leave it in the freezer overnight before softly running it around your eye sockets

6. Want cheekbones to rival Kim Kardashian's? Cosmopolitan have come up with a quirky trick that involves lining up a cotton bud below your cheekbone and, using another swab coated in your favourite bronzer or dark foundation, trace the line of it. Then, blend and buff the line using a clean cotton bud.

Spritz the end of a bud with your preferred scent and store them in a plastic sealed bag inside your handbag so you can touch up throughout the day

7. Want brows that give Cara Delevingne a run for her money? Dip a bud into some Vaseline and sweep across your eyebrows to tame and define.

Tragic: Television icon Mary Tyler Moore has died aged 80. She was first reported to be in 'grave condition' at a hospital in Connecticut on Wednesday. She is pictured above in 20138. Got a pesky spot? Dab the tip of two buds into some tea tree oil and use them to squeeze the blemish hygienically.


9. Thanks to their small size, cotton buds can be used to really get into nooks and crannies to give your treasured items a good clean. By dipping the buds into cleaning solution or soapy water, you can use them to clean your jewellery.

10. Eating lunch at your desk can all too often result in a crumb-filled keyboard. Rather than leaving them to fester, use a soapy cotton bud to remove them.

11. Did you now that a dirty washing machine filter prohibits your clothes from looking pristine after a wash? Clean it regularly with a cotton bud to keep your whites white.

12. You can also use one to get into crevices of your car, including the air conditioning vents, and under the bonnet.

13. A dusty hairdryer isn't as efficient as it could be. Use a bud to get into the air vents on your hairdryer.

14. Got a scuff on your shoe? Just soak a bud in nail polish remover and rub the mark away.

15. They're also very handy for cleaning in between tiny toes and will come in handy if your little one gets mucky.


16. We all want to smell good on the go but nobody wants to lug a huge bottle of perfume around in their handbag all day. That's where cotton buds can come in handy. Simply spritz the end of a bud with your preferred scent and store them in a plastic sealed bag. When you feel the need to spritz, just reach for the buds and apply them to your pulse points.

Rosalynd Harris, a waitress and professional dancer,  was left a $450 tip by Trump supporters at Busboys and Poets Eden Hasson, 10, was catching the last of the light while surfing at Samurai Beach in NSW when he came face-to-face with a great white shark (pictured) Hillary Clinton is considering the creation of a TV show to position herself for a third presidential run, sources tell author Ed Klein Lucy Yallop, a mother-of-three from Durham, fancied a tipple aboard her flight to Alicante

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