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Textile design images

Fall 2017
Deadline: February 1, 2017 - SlideRoom Fee (USD): $10

The Textile/Surface Design portfolio submission consists of three parts: a written essay, design projects, and a portfolio of original artwork. We want to understand your creative process in both written and visual components. We ask that you put thought into your process and work to create original creative art that reflects your unique self-expression. We want to see who you are in your design process.

The Textile/Surface Design program prepares students for careers in the textile and related industries. The Associates in Applied Science program prepares students for positions that include apparel textile design for apparel and home furnishings. Traditional hand painting, CAD, woven and screen-printing are an intricate part of the curriculum.

The Textile/Surface Design BFA program course work advances to include designing for carpet, paper products, knit, home products and tableware. The program integrates theory with traditional and digital hands-on application and is structured to provide students with the multi-disciplined skills needed to meet industry demands.

You will submit a short essay, 2 design projects consisting of 4 images, and a portfolio of 8 to 10 pieces of original artwork.


Please respond thoughtfully and note that your answer does not replace the essay that you are required to submit as part of your FIT/SUNY application.

  1. In 500 words or less, explain how you became interested in textile design and why you want to study in this program. Tell us what inspires you creatively.


PART A: Design Projects (4 images total)

The Design Projects are a very important part of the total portfolio evaluation. We request that you put thought and effort into the concept, design, and execution of these projects. You are to create new work. Do not submit work done for other purposes.

Carefully follow instructions for each project. A total of 4 images should be submitted.

  • PROJECT ONE: Floral Drawing Created from Direct Observation (2 images)

Submit two (2) drawings of flowers, leaves, or plants. Drawings may be done on the paper of your choice. One must be done in pencil, color pencil, or marker. The second can be in any traditional medium. Submit two (2) images.

  • PROJECT TWO: Still Life Composition Painting (2 images)
Set up a Still Life with a minimum of 3 objects in the composition. Choose objects that are natural or man-made with varied shapes and sizes. Photograph your still life set-up and submit a digital photo along with your artwork. Work in color in any medium. Submit two (2) images.

PART B: Your Original Artwork (8-10 samples)

This is your chance to round out your portfolio submission. We went to see artwork that reflects your talents, personal expression, interests and experience to date. Provide between 8 and 10 samples of your best recent original artwork. In the comments box, state the size, media, year the work was created and a brief explanation about the concept of each artwork. Examples may include artwork from the following categories:

  • Drawings
  • Paintings
  • Collages
  • Printmaking
  • Screen Prints
  • Knits and Wovens
  • Computer Assisted Designs

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