Textile screen Printing design
January 3 - January 19
Spring - 2017 Courses
January 30 - May 22
TD 101 Experimental Screen Printing
3 credits In-state $573 Out-of-state $1, 722
Students experiment designing with screens and printing on fabric while working in an actual workshop surrounding. Includes screen making, color mixing, and printing techniques. (Formerly SD 101)
CRN | Section | Day | Time | Location |
15888 | 15A | 6:30 pm-10:20 pm | A581 | |
17154 | 15B | 1:10 pm-5:00 pm |
TD 115 Introduction to Textile Surface Design
2 credits In-state $382 Out-of-state $1, 148
This is an introductory course that familiarizes students with the textile surface design profession and its practices. Utilizing a variety of painting media, students develop and strengthen design skills. Through research and reference material, they explore textile design painting techniques and terminology to create painted designs in repeat for the fashion fabrics market.
17276 | 15C | C501 |
TD 131 Woven Design I
1.5 credits In-state $296.50 Out-of-state $871
(includes $10 lab fee)
Introduction to creating woven fabrics on a table hand loom. Students learn basic weaving techniques, drafting of weaves, and the interrelation of yarns, color, and weave structure in a fabric design.
4620 | 6:30 pm-9:20 pm | C510 |
TD 157 Wallcovering Design
1.5 credits In-state $286.50 Out-of-state $861
This course focuses on the creative development of original wallcoverings. Through the study of historical documents and references, students explore design and production methods needed to create multilayered compositions. They learn about the wallcovering market through the introduction of home furnishing trends, design styles, and current production standards. (Formerly SD 157)
16401 | C502 |
TD 183 Screen Printing: T-Shirts and Related Products
2 credits In-state $382 Out-of-state $1, 148
Using modern screen print technology, students create original engineered designs for T-shirts and related products. Color-mixing principles and screen printing techniques are taught. (Formerly SD 183)
15895 |
TD 224 Computer-Aided Print Design
1.5 credits In-state $286.50 Out-of-state $861
In-state $309 Out-of-state $883.50
Using Adobe Photoshop, students scan images and create original designs, repeats, colorways, and coordinates targeting specific markets. Emphasis is on creative use of the software, awareness of industry trends, and the development of an original portfolio of digitally produced designs. (Formerly SD 224)
15897 | C409 | |
16014 | OL1 | ONLINE COURSE |
TD 227 Painting on Fabric
2 credits In-state $382 Out-of-state $1, 148
Students paint directly on silk, cotton, and synthetic fabrics using appropriate pigments or dyes for setting colors permanently. Explores use of hand-painted fabrics for home furnishings, fashion, and studio applications. (Formerly SD 227)
16403 |