Organic cotton canvas fabric
Can•vas [kan-vuh s]: a closely woven, heavy cloth of cotton, hemp, or linen, used for tents, sails, etc. or any fabric of linen, cotton, or hemp of a coarse loose weave used as a foundation for embroidery stitches, interlining, etc.
Origin: 1225-75, from Norman French canevas, ultimately from Latin cannabis hemp
Duck [duhk]: Duck is a heavy single cloth fabric made of coarse two-ply yarn and of a plain weave. It derives its name from its resemblance to a duck’s skin. It is of a lighter weight than canvas. In finishing duck is taken from the loom and washed, then dried and pressed. If a fancy solid color is desired the goods are dyed in the piece after the first washing.
Origin: comes from the Dutch word doek meaning linen cloth. Linen duck is still available, primarily for use as artists' canvases, but cotton is now the most common material for duck cloth. Duck fabric is always a plain weave fabric without sizing or chemical finishes.
Suggested uses: Mattresses & mattress toppers, futon mattresses & covers, shoes, fabric shower curtains, laundry bags and tote bags, hammocks, boat covers and sand bags, coats and other outerwear.