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Characteristics of Satin

Honed finish provides a similar texture to the Polished one but with no shine. The surface remains smooth and completely matt. One could say that the Honed finish is the previous step to achieving the glossiness. This texture is applied on compact stones, with a minimum hardness.


With Polished finish, a flat and shiny surface is achieved, with zero porosity thanks to the application of special resins suitable for food contact. This finish brings out the structure, color and texture of the granite. This is a “closed pores” finish, that provides greater resistance to external agents attack, which can be further reinforced by applying different protection treatments.


Satin, emphasizes the color characteristics of the granite without reaching the brightness level found in Polished finish surfaces.
This finish is produced by exposing the granite to different carbide brushes which give a rough and velvety touch at the same time and can be adjusted to meet different needs.
Porosity in Satin finish, remains more exposed and thus repellent and waterproofing elements are subsequently
applied on the surface.


Using the same process with Satin finish but previously applying a fleshing technique, a velvety and deep surface is achieved, which gives a three-dimensional texture highlighting the most unique features of the granite such as veins, color changes and different structures.


Flaming can be considered an exclusive finish of granites, it provides a rustic and rough surface with texture and vitrified appearance and vitrified appearance. It consist of applying high temperature with oxyacetylene burners over 2.500ºC, causing thermal shock on the surface of the granite and the subsequent release of small pieces and splinters. This process grants a high degree of protection against atmospheric agents and does not cause any “burns” on the surface.


This process consists of hitting with high pressure and sand the surface of the granite and then brushing with the aim of creating a rustic yet soft finish.

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