Define viscose
The viscose threads made by the process look as well as silk, but they are not so strong, especially when wet.
The gills are said to be of one color and the ring floccose, viscose, and evanescent in drying.
Thus in the case of the wood celluloses the percentage recovered from solution as viscose is from 93 to 95 p.ct.
Nitro and viscose silks are more brilliant and lustrous than are real silks.
A report on the industrial development of viscose, covering essentially the same ground as the above.
Plane or flat by solidifying the viscose on glass surfaces, removing the by-products and rolling the films.
Yes, sir; but the viscose fibers in the blanket varied in size also.
viscose tubes for sausage containers are more sanitary and appetizing than the customary casings.
He can make viscose any diameter he wants, and there could be hundreds of variations in the diameter of viscose fibers.