Clothing Manufacturing Agent

Clothing manufacturing process

The era of mass manufacturing of clothing and other textile products is coming to an end; what is emerging is a post-industrial production system that is able to achieve the goal of mass-customised, low volume production, where the conventional borders between product design, production and user are beginning to merge. To continue developing knowledge on how to design better products and services, we need to design better clothing manufacturing processes grounded in science, technology, and management to help the clothing industry to compete more effectively. Design of clothing manufacturing processes reviews key issues in the design of more rapid, integrated and flexible clothing manufacturing processes.

The eight chapters of the book provide a detailed coverage of the design of clothing manufacturing processes using a systematic approach to planning, scheduling and control. The book starts with an overview of standardised clothing classification systems and terminologies for individual clothing types. Chapter 2 explores the development of standardised sizing systems. Chapter 3 reviews the key issues in the development of a garment collection. Chapters 4 to 7 discuss particular aspects of clothing production, ranging from planning and organization to monitoring and control. Finally, chapter 8 provides an overview of common quality requirements for clothing textile materials.

Design of clothing manufacturing processes is intended for R&D managers, researchers, technologists and designers throughout the clothing industry, as well as academic researchers in the field of clothing design, engineering and other aspects of clothing production.

  • Considers in detail the design of sizing and classification systems
  • Discusses the planning required in all aspects of clothing production from design and pattern making to manufacture

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